Saturday, January 11, 2014

7QT #5: New Year & New Adventures

Not gonna lie... I'm still trying to soak in this whole "2014" thing.  This means that it has been ten years since my high school graduation, six years since my college graduation, five years since I completed my mission year in Mexico, and almost four years since I met my husband.  A whole decade has just whooshed by.... and here I am married, working for the Church, and living in Southwest Kansas.  Whodathunkit?  
I have no idea what the best part about 2014 is going to be, and that's actually really exciting.  This time last year I had hopes that Michael and I would at least get engaged in 2013.  I never would have imagined that the year would have included getting married on my patron saint's feast day, going on an incredible 2 week honeymoon in Rome, and I certainly did not imagine getting to meet Pope Francis with my husband.  The year was full of blessings, and more than anything it was filled with reminders that God has bigger plans for me than I could ever imagine for myself.  

Like most Americans, I'd like to get into a shape other than round during this New Year.  Michael and I enrolled at the YMCA last month, and we started a 12 week program that's supposed to help us have a better workout schedule.  Three words:  No me gusta.  Not because the workout is hard, but the facility is not near big enough.  I end up lifting my little dumbbells next to the Hulk and feel ridiculous.  Humility humility... but we'll get the hang of it eventually I guess.  I might have to go there at weird hours when no one is there, but I gotta do something!  

I've been more motivated to work on my spiritual goals than my physical goals.  I've sensed the need to focus on the virtue of humility, so I decided to try to make the Litany of Humility part of my daily prayers.  I taped it to my desk and I've been praying it every day as soon as I get to my desk.  It's still not my favorite prayer, and I still find some of the lines incredibly difficult to pray, but something tells me this prayer is going to help me a LOT this year.   

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The New Year's commitment that I'm most excited about is finally signing up for a Holy Hour at my parish.  I say finally because I've worked in the parish for three years, we offer 24 hr adoration, and up until this month I had never made regular visits to the adoration chapel.  Terrible!  My office is a 2 minute walk to the chapel and I was only making quick trips to adoration every now and then.  My prayer life has always been better when adoration is a regular part of it, and working in ministry has taught me the need to "sit at the master's feet" and just be with him.   I know that there will be times when I really don't "feel" like going, and I know there are times when I might not think that I'm getting anything out of those silent moments with Our Lord.  But I also know that this might be the best thing that I do this year.  Sometimes I need to be with Christ in the boat before walking on water..  
We found out today that we are moving next month!  Just to a new apartment... but it's a big move for us nonetheless!  Michael moved in with me after we got married, so my 2 bedroom apartment got a little more crowded.  I've lived here since I moved to Dodge, so I'm looking forward to starting fresh in a new place with my husband.  The only thing we're not sure about right now is when we'll be able to move in and how that it going to work out with our current landlords.  But if everything goes smoothly the Johnstons will be in their new home before Lent begins.  Please pray for us!

Deacon Dad: The Meme.
I made this meme from one of my favorite pictures taken at the wedding. The ever hilarious "Catholic Memes" Facebook page shared it and... Oila! Deacon Dad is all over the internet. I know his meme is not "viral" like babies biting their brother's fingers or sneezing panda babies, but for the Jones family dad reached a new level of internet awesomeness :)

I also made this follow up for your everyday mass experience :)

Thanks Deacon Dad :) 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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