Happy Feast Day St. Francis De Sales!
Let's kick off #7QT with one of my favorite quotes by this awesome Saint:"Do not fear what may happen tomorrow. The same loving Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings."
Boom. Thank you St. Francis.
Save all the babies!
Big shout out to all y'all who participated in the 2014 March for Life in Washington D.C.! 600,000 of you standing up for life during crazy cold weather? Amazing. I attended the March for Life in 2001-2004 with my high school (we even led the March my freshman year!) and it definitely made a huge impact on my life. If only the media would pick up on just how incredible this event is....
Deacon Dad is famous again
My Deacon Dad served at the Vigil for Life Mass at the Basilica and he even showed up on EWTN a couple of times. Not that you need any help finding the 6'9" deacon... but just in case....
I've officially begun the adventure that is teaching Natural Family Planning! This is very exciting but also one of those out of the boat experiences and I ask for your prayers! I've taught theology of the body for 3 years, so now I get to combine faith with science and hopefully share with couples why God's plan is the best plan. One of my favorite parts of teaching NFP so far is having my husband right by my side. Hearing him talk about why he is glad we use NFP and how he sees it strengthening our relationship just makes me love him even more.
If there are any NFP Teachers out there with some words of advice as we get started in this ministry, please share your wisdom and experience with us!
If there are any NFP Teachers out there with some words of advice as we get started in this ministry, please share your wisdom and experience with us!
The Nominees are in...
I was shocked and surprised to see that I was nominated for "Best Under Appreciated Blog" for the 2014 Sheenazing Awards! Thanks so much! God bless the dear soul that nominated me :) Click on that link to vote or just go check out the list of fabulous Catholic bloggers (and Non-Papists) and vote for them! If you don't do anything else, check out Bonnie at A Knotted Life. This woman is amazing!
Beauty & Body
Every now and then SoulPancake
posts something that touches that special spot in my heart that causes
tears, laughter, goosebumps or all of the above. One of their latest
videos did just that:
Still in my Mid-Twenties... right?
week from today I'll be 8 years into my twenties. Thirty is just
around the corner, but it isn't here yet! I remember writing a list when I turned 20 that had things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 30. When I was thinking
back to some of the things I put on the list I realized I've already
accomplished several of them:
- Study abroad (DONE)
- Help someone become Catholic. (DONE)
- Do mission work in another country (DONE)
- Get married. (DONE)
- Go to Rome. (DONE)
- Have an audience with the Pope. (DONE, bonus points for Pope Hand)
I need to try to find the actual list amongst my many journals,
because I do have some time to get more things marked off. I know one
of the things I listed was to write a book, but we'll see what 28
& 29 have in store. For now I'm content with just trying to be a better blogger :)
Birthdays are just a great time for me to remember that if God has done this much this far into my life, what other adventures are in store?
Birthdays are just a great time for me to remember that if God has done this much this far into my life, what other adventures are in store?
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!